Robertson Languages > Articles by: IT Admin

Posts by IT Admin

European Day of Languages 26 September

In 2001 the Council of Europe and the European Union jointly organised The European Year of Languages. This was successful in involving millions of people across 45 countries. Its activities celebrated linguistic diversity in Europe and promoted language learning. Following the success of the Year of Languages, the Council of Europe declared a European Day

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ISO success again

We are proud to announce that our certifications for ISO 9001 and ISO 17100 have just been renewed again without any non-conformities. This is particularly good news as our Director, Liz Robertson, was Chair of the international panel that developed ISO 17100. ISO 9001 is the standard that shows we have systems to establish our

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The Role of Back Translation

Back translation involves translating a text that has already been translated back into its original language again. The first translation and the second (back) translation are then compared and reconciled in order to test the quality and accuracy of the original translation. Because all languages have many different equally correct ways of expressing the same

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Post-edited machine translation

When purchasing translation services, as with all services, it is impossible to avoid the “iron triangle” of price, time and quality: lower price means lower quality, shorter delivery time means higher price, etc. However, in recent years in the translation industry, technology is coming to the rescue. Translation software is improving to the extent that

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BREXIT: Halloween Horror or Autumn Windfall?

BREXIT is an external event beyond our personal control or that of our individual companies, however large they might be. Who knows what the effects will be? Will we lose clients or develop better relations with our EU friends and find new ones in other parts of the world as well? All we can be

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