Robertson Languages > Articles by: IT Admin

Posts by IT Admin

BREXIT Opportunities

At Robertson Languages we remember two opportunities that political events gave us, back in 1989: the removal of customs barriers between EU countries and the fall of the Berlin Wall. Both events prompted our clients to expand into new countries (Western Europe in the first instance and Eastern Europe in the second). Although BREXIT seems

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Post Brexit Opportunities

Successful international businesses see opportunities everywhere. And that’s what we see happening since Brexit. Our clients are already changing tack: exporters are looking at a re-invigorated drive into European exports to take advantage of current exchange rates with updated multilingual websites. Others are planning localisation of their catalogues for the Arab world and South America.

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Robertson Languages and United Bible Societies

Robertson Languages  has had a busy month. Thanks to our experience of managing similar projects and teams of expert linguists from all around the world we were selected to work with The United Bible Societies who are holding their annual World Assembly in Philadelphia from 12 to 18 May 2016. Our contribution to this year’s

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Why Brexit takes the biscuit

I sit here with my cup of tea and chocolate wafer snack, pondering the fact that in less than two months’ time, Britons are off to the polls to make a big decision regarding our future in (or out of) the European Union, and yet no-one seems to be asking what is surely the biggest

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The borders debate, without the boredom

What would a debate about immigration and borders sound like if you were able to bar all politicians and Daily Mail journalists from participating? Well, maybe in a perfect world it would run along the lines of today’s inaugural episode of The Global Philosopher, BBC Radio 4’s fascinating new panel-based discussion show with a twist.

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