Robertson Languages > Articles by: IT Admin

Posts by IT Admin

Norwegian newsflash: Santa not dead

It’s fairly normal for many people to feel overworked in the run-up to Christmas – and I should know, being married to a teacher. However, you just know that things have come to a pretty pass when Santa himself succumbs to the strain. Says who? Why, Norway’s Aftenposten newspaper does, that’s who. At least, they

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Tous solidaires pour Paris

Many words have already been written about Friday’s attacks in Paris, but we here at Robertson Languages – some of whom have previously lived in the city and have good friends there – would like to add our voices to all those from Britain wishing our Gallic cousins well during these hard days. We believe

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Council kudos for Cornish comeback kid

The opening verses of the Ordinalia, one of the most famous works of Cornish literature. Myttin da! Regular visitors may recall our recent delight at the Lazarus-like rise of the Cornish language from the mortuary slab as its official status was changed by the UN from “extinct” to merely “critically endangered”. I’m glad to report

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Hamilton and Heep: how humbling?

Lewis Hamilton won his third Formula 1 title this week, elevating him to the same rarefied level as Jackie Stewart, Niki Lauda… and a certain Brazilian driver who obviously means a lot to Lewis, for it prompted the new champ to say, “It is a very humbling experience to equal Ayrton Senna, who inspired me

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Baffled? We’ve got your number (plate)

If you live in the UK, you’ll be well aware that it’s one of a number of countries in the world where you can opt to buy a personalised vehicle registration (or ‘vanity’) plate. I’m writing this post because I spotted the above example on the M4 motorway earlier this week. Which prompts the question…

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