Robertson Languages > Articles by: IT Admin

Posts by IT Admin

How Nistor’s video killed the red star

Some 25 years ago, while still at university, I got my first break in the translation industry from my father’s company, who dubbed foreign TV programmes and films into Welsh and English for broadcast on S4C and the Beeb. Sadly, I don’t get to do much of that sort of work any more (although I’m

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Addressing a major world problem

Bob is grumbling.quickly.gifted. Liz is profiled.dodges.roughness, while Chris Brown and Mark Lewis are both rebel.maternal.package. What on earth am I talking about? Or more accurately… where on earth? And what does this have to do with a blog about how the world communicates? Both these questions are answered at, a website which reduces the

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Hiring a car abroad? New DVLA rules

As you no doubt know, the existing UK driving licence documentation consists of a plastic photo card and a paper counterpart. However, from 8th June 2015, the paper counterpart bit (which currently contains information about endorsements, fines and convictions) is being scrapped. Meaning what, exactly? Simply that the old document will have no legal status,

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Sweat the smalls stuff, Chinese-style

There’s someone washing her knickers in my bathroom. I’ve politely explained that our washing machine handles underwear just as well as it does the big stuff, but she has equally politely pointed out in response that this is “a question of hygiene”. Er, OK. At least she’s left the door open so that the children

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Wampanoag – back from the grave

A few weeks ago, I promised you a story about a language that rose from the dead. Well, our linguistic Lazarus is in fact the indigenous American tongue of Wampanoag, also known by such other names as Wôpanâak and “Massachusett language”. And yes, there’s a clue in the latter moniker – it was once the

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