Baffled? We’ve got your number (plate)
Oct 14 in Localisation, Travel
If you live in the UK, you’ll be well aware that it’s one of a number of countries in the world where you can opt to buy a personalised vehicle registration (or ‘vanity’) plate. I’m writing this post because I spotted the above example on the M4 motorway earlier this week.
Which prompts the question… why? Let’s say you’re… oh, I don’t know, a firm of transmission technology specialists whose stated goal in life is “to achieve the most efficient and reliable transmission of power from input to output”, and you’ve got cash to burn on vanity plates for the mobile advertising boards that are your company vans. What pithy word or phrase might you choose that would best sum up your corporate ethos of comprehensive expertise and competence?
Yes, yes, I can see why a company working with transmissions and gears might think it was a wheeze to have the word “ratios” on a number plate, but presumably they were unaware of the German word “ratlos”… which means “perplexed”, “baffled”, “at a loss”. It would be great if the driver’s name also happened to be Rudi. Let’s just hope this vehicle doesn’t often find itself in mainland Europe.
Of course, you don’t have to be clueless when promoting your firm to the wider world – so here’s a message to you, Rudi. Whether your needs involve translation, localisation, language training or cultural briefing, Robertson Languages can help you get your point across clearly and without confusion. Contact us on 0118 934 6000 or click on our red quote request button (top right) to find out how!