Robertson Languages > News and articles

News and articles

How would you feel if someone asked you to refer to them not as “he” or “she”, but instead as “ze” or “ey”? Or if they asked you not to speak about them using any third-person pronouns at all, but just their name? As this recent article contends, it’s probably something we’ll all be asked

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Is there a word for the embarrassed disappointment you feel when, to prove a fascinating fact you’ve proudly announced at a social gathering, you google it on the Internet only to find out it’s an urban legend? If so, I could certainly have used that word over Christmas. You see, I’ve been quoting the word

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I spotted the following link, and its related headline, recently on the Grauniad’s website… and for once, it wasn’t the spelling that made me laugh. Prompting the obvious question… how exactly do you shoot someone with a knife? As a headline, it’s right up there with “Passengers hit by cancelled trains”, “Post Office supervisor charged

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It’s fairly normal for many people to feel overworked in the run-up to Christmas – and I should know, being married to a teacher. However, you just know that things have come to a pretty pass when Santa himself succumbs to the strain. Says who? Why, Norway’s Aftenposten newspaper does, that’s who. At least, they

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Many words have already been written about Friday’s attacks in Paris, but we here at Robertson Languages – some of whom have previously lived in the city and have good friends there – would like to add our voices to all those from Britain wishing our Gallic cousins well during these hard days. We believe

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The opening verses of the Ordinalia, one of the most famous works of Cornish literature. Myttin da! Regular visitors may recall our recent delight at the Lazarus-like rise of the Cornish language from the mortuary slab as its official status was changed by the UN from “extinct” to merely “critically endangered”. I’m glad to report

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You have always been tremendously customer focused, listening to our needs and matching them greatly with the right teachers. You have been a good observer as well and when I was just about to drop German because of my busy schedule, you found a new teacher who could provide a different method, encouragement and keep me going.

Chano Fernandez (Co-President , Workday)