Norwegian newsflash: Santa not dead
Dec 05 in News

It’s fairly normal for many people to feel overworked in the run-up to Christmas – and I should know, being married to a teacher. However, you just know that things have come to a pretty pass when Santa himself succumbs to the strain.
Says who? Why, Norway’s Aftenposten newspaper does, that’s who. At least, they did on Thursday when they got Christmas off to a depressing start by “mistakenly” (what?) publishing Santa’s obituary in the paper.
It was reported that the world’s fastest pensioner had died at the age of 227 (presumably of natural clauses – ho, ho, ho) in Nordkapp on 3rd December, but Norway’s second-largest organ was subsequently forced to retract the obit and issue an apology, so it looks like Christmas may now be back on again.
Just as well… my wife could really use the break.
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